
Hi, I’m Kim! get to know me.

You probably came here after liking my content on Instagram - at least that’s what I hope. If so, that’s great! I’m happy you love the way I capture my style, my daily life, and my sustainable journey. I don’t share everything on social media, so here are a few things you might not know about me.

Professionally speaking, I spent nearly a decade working in marketing and creative for brands like Dolce Vita and Levi’s. I also studied photography at the University of Washington. Over the years working in various roles in the fashion industry, I’ve developed an elevated sense of style, a keen eye for details, and a knack for storytelling. When creating content I think of myself as a one woman photo studio – art director, photographer, producer, stylist, and talent all rolled into one. My artistic style is all about finding the romance in the everyday. It’s both instantly relatable, yet slightly aspirational in a way that resonates with my audience.

On a personal level, I live in Seattle with my husband and our pom pup. You can probably tell from my Instagram that I’m passionate about sustainable living and intersectional environmentalism. If I’m not working on a creative project, you’ll likely find me out thrifting, planting veggies in my garden, listening to a podcast about offshore wind turbines, or learning some new skill. This month it was roller skating, next month it’ll be sewing!

What exactly is a content creator?

That is a great question! The world of influencer marketing is still pretty new, but has already become valuable to the success of a brand. My job as a content creator is twofold:


First, there is the creative aspect. I produce photography and video, that is highly relatable while still being aspirational, for brands to use on their website, social media, email, and pretty much anywhere else in the digital world.  

Then there’s the influencer side to being a content creator. Through the years I’ve built up a following and an expertise in the sustainable fashion, beauty, and lifestyle space. I’m well versed in the happenings of my industry, I’ve developed a strong point of view, and I’m an active member of the community. All this helps the brands that I work with connect to their target audience on a more personal level by putting a face to the brand.